约书亚·罗宾斯' profile photo


Associate Professor Department of English Office Location: AD 340B 电话: (210) 283-6383

约书亚·罗宾斯 is the author of Praise Nothing (University of Arkansas Press, 2013), part of the 米勒 Williams Series in Poetry, and his recognitions include the James Wright Poetry Award, the 新南奖, selection for Best New 诗人, 和沃尔特·E. Dakin Fellowship in poetry from the Sewanee Writers' Conference. He received an MFA in creative writing from the University of Oregon and a PhD in English from the University of Tennessee. His research interests include: the lyric poem as theodicy, literature and theology, trauma theory and trauma writing, creative writing pedagogy. Robbins is Associate Professor of English at the University of the Incarnate Word.

  • PhD in English - University of Tennessee
  • MFA in Creative Writing - University of Oregon
  • BA in English - Whitworth University
  • Associate Professor of English, University of the Incarnate Word (2017 - Present)
  • Assistant Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August, 2014 - 2017)
  • 访问ing Assistant Professor of English, University of the Incarnate Word (2013 - 2014)
  • Lecturer, Department of English, University of Tennessee (2012 - 2013)
  • 访问ing Writer for: Whitworth University, Pepperdine University, 纽约州立大学法明岱尔, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 和其他地方

Recent poetry and nonfiction published (or forthcoming) in: Poetry Northwest, Open Plaza (Hispanic Theological Initiative), 休斯敦纪事报, 黑鸟, 新马德里, 32的诗, 图像, Cortland审查, 沉思, 和其他地方.

Recent papers and presentations include:

  • To my silence, years long: A Tribute to Garrett Hongo. 2019 Associated Writers & Writing Programs Conference (AWP), Portland, Oregon.
  • Walking a Fine Line: Politics, Poetry, and the Workshop in a Divided America. 2019 Associated Writers & Writing Programs Conference (AWP), Portland, Oregon.
  • Can't, Shouldn't, Should: Ethics in the Poetry Workshop. 2018 Associated Writers & Writing Programs Conference (AWP), Tampa, Florida.
  • Elizabeth Bishop and the Masters of Disaster. 2017 Gemini Ink Writers Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • The Unbearable Too-Whiteness of Workshop. 2016 Associated Writers & Writing Programs Conference (AWP), Los Angeles, California.
  • Easy A's and Epic Fails: Grading the Creative Writer. 2016 Associated Writers & Writing Programs Conference (AWP), Los Angeles, California.

Associate Writers and Writing Programs

  • Historic home remodeling and restoration
  • 运行
  • 切尔西俱乐部
  • Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr Award for Teaching Innovation (校本)
  • 艾米Ryan Award (Whitworth University)
  • Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from Sewanee Writers' Conference
  • James Wright Poetry Award
  • 新南奖
  • Selection for Best New 诗人
  • Several Pushcart Prize nominations
  • 诗人 & Writers in the Classroom Reading Series, Director
  • 教师 Committee on Coronavirus
  • 查斯排名 & 任期委员会
  • Core Curriculum Committee
  • Grievance Committee
  • 荣誉委员会
  • 健康的人文 & 生物-Ethics Committee
  • NEH Trauma Grant Fellow
  • Quirk: 校本's Literary Arts Journal, 教师 Advisor
  • Ettling Center for Cardinal Community Leaders, 教师 Advisor
  • 其他几个人
  • The lyric poem as theodicy
  • Literature and theology
  • Trauma theory and trauma writing
  • Creative writing pedagogy
  • 写诗
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • 创伤写
  • 小说写作
  • Introduction to Creative Writing
  • 编辑 & 出版
  • 高级研讨会
  • World Literature Studies
  • 作文我 & II